Queen Elizabeth National Game Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park Information - Uganda  

Queen Elizabeth National Park measures 1,978sqkm making it Uganda’s second biggest national park after Murchison Falls National Park.

The park is located astride the equator in southwestern Uganda lying on the base of the rift valley between Lakes George and Edward and borders Democratic Republic of Congo on its western side.

Wild Life in Queen Elizabeth.
Queen Elizabeth National Park is famous for the big four animals that is the Elephants, Lions, Buffaloes and the Leopards. Other animals in the park include warthog, giant forest hog, topi, bushbuck, civet, hyena, aardvark, Uganda kob, bushbabies, chimpanzee, baboon, Columbus monkeys, hippo to mention.

It is also classified as an Important Birding Area (IBA) by Birdlife International with 500+ species of birds including fish eagle, bee eater, 11 kingfishers, shoebill stork, falcons, eagles, vultures, flamingos and glorious butterflies are everywhere.

Its terrain includes a Myriad of Lakes of all types and sizes, from the great Freshwater lakes, salt lakes and crater lakes.

Covered by Savannah grasslands, mountains and mysterious valleys, Queen Elizabeth is just the place to go.

Things to do at Queen Elizabeth National Park - Uganda

  • Boat Trip on the Kazinga Channel.
    This is the highlight activities on your safari. The 40km long Kazinga channel connects Lake George to Lake Edward providing spectacular view of wild-life. Its shores attract large numbers of birds, mammals and reptiles throughout the year.
  • Game Drives.

These usually start very early in the morning and late evening hours on 200km well maintained tracks that give visitors access to the parks game. We will always stop at your pardon and the slower you go, is the more you will see. There are three game drives i.e Kasenyi area game drive, Northern crater area game drive and the ishasha sector game drive.

  • Nature walks; One of Uganda’s largest tracts of tropical forest, Maramagambo is notable for its primate and bird populations. Trails explore the forest around Lake Nyamusingire. Wildlife sightings vary from day to day, but guaranteed events include the Bat Cave with a resident bat-hungry Python, and the copper-rich Blue Lake.
  • Chimps Tracking in Chambura Gorge Here your can view Habituated Chimpanzees live in the 100m deep gorge carved by the Kyambura River that flows across the rift valley floor towards the Kazinga Channel.
  • Bird watching. Queen Elizabeth National Park has a bird population of 606 bird species. You can encounter them by using experienced guide and they know the most interesting bird spots around swamps, lakes and other interesting habitat of the park.